Monday 16 January 2012

Starting My Digipak

I have decided to create my digipak before the actual filming of my music video to get a sense of which style I think is right for my artist.
I have been majorly thinking which kind of target audience I plan to aim my music artist at and I think it would be appealing to a wider audience if I created a mixed style somewhere in between the likes of role models such as Taylor Swift, Jessie J, Pixie Lott etc without going too far towards each style.

I have revamped the styling of my artist as shown below for the photo shoot I plan to do to get suitable pictures to use on the digipak.
Clothes- Simple dress, not too many colours or patterns, skin coloured dolly shoes.
Look- Innocent, hiding a cheeky side of her.
Position- Some kind of hand movement, leaning on one side of her body i.e pointing towards the camera.
Shot- Long.
Angle- None, maybe high if looks okay.

Clothes- Black shorts and a top tucked in or a crop top and boots.
Look- Show that the music artist has an attitude, not just innocent.
Position- Hands in shorts pockets or holding hair.
Shot- Long.
Angle- None.

Clothes- Winter coat with the hood up. A bit of make up and pale lips with light hitting them.
Look- That she is really cold and also has something to tell the audience.
Position- Looking straight at the camera with watery eyes.
Shot- Medium
Angle- None

Inside Centre;
Clothes- Wooly jumper and lots of eye liner.
Look- (Black & white) Something to tell the audience if they come closer.
Position- Leaning against a wall, showing a 'shhh' sign.
Shot- Medium
Angle- Low

Inside Left;
Clothes- A very colourful and patterned dress and no shoes. Very bright lipstick.
Look- Innocent but has a very different side of her to show.
Position- Laying on the floor on her front looking at the camera and legs visible in the background.
Shot- Close up
Angle- None

Inside Right;
The inside right will be a close up of what is on the front in a slight watermark and on the CD will be the exact same as what is on the front cover but without the text.

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