Wednesday 21 September 2011

Analysis Of Music Videos Continued

Music videos vary and are usually dependant upon the genre of the artist and also the audience that it is targeted at.

Music videos I am going to analyse are 4 very different ones I feel I could use for inspiration.

- Jonas Brothers 'When You Look Me In The Eyes'
This video is one of the Jonas Brothers very early videos of when they had started out with Disney as their Record Label. The thing I like about this video is that is stars REAL fans at the boys' concerts, who scream their name and know all the words to every single song they have sung, even if it is a cover song.

Putting the fans in a music video and real footage of real concerts is amazing and very courteous of Joe, Nick and Kevin to do this. As they were only 14, 16 and 17 when the video was being made, they could have had input into the making of the video, however being familiar with analysing Disney artists- it is very unlikely that they had input as they are made as a product in which to sell, not treated as real people with feelings who want to express their musical creativity.

I would like to use the idea of using real footage from concerts, as it shows audiences that the artist cares about their fans and also assures the people buying tickets that they are noticed and loved for buying songs, albums, merchandise and concert tickets. Which I feel is something that artists these days don't show enough to people, as words on social networking websites such as Twitter are not deep enough.

- The Wanted 'Glad You Came'
This video is basically there to make all the girls swoon over Jay, Siva, Tom, Nathan & Max. The video shows the 5 band members of The Wanted on a beach not wearing a lot of clothes, whilst they are also flirting with girls in bikini's at a party.

It's clear to see this video is to get more female attention and the producer isn't scared to make it obvious, especially as it was released closely to the announcement of their upcoming arena tour.

I would like to use the idea of using very handsome and good-looking people in my video to attract the audience, however I know it is unlikely that talented models are going to be in my video as it would be very expensive nad time consuming looking into it and then it not being followed through.

- Nick Jonas & The Administration 'Who I Am'
This video is one of my most favorite music videos when it comes to putting across the storyline to the audience, however the actual song is a let down. The storyline concentrates on people showing the audience who they really are, by holding up a white poster with a word or phrase on it- but it is something that can't be noticed on the outside. A good example from the actual video is when Nick, himself comes on the screen on the end with a poster that says 'Diabetic'.

I would like to use the idea of a person or several people holding up a poster with a word or phrase that is relevent to them as an individual. Doing this, I feel that I will be able to get across the storyline I want to, but also the audience can make up their own storyline so that they can listen to the song and relate to it.

- Rihanna 'Only Girl In The World'

Personally, I feel this video is very sex explicit and undermining to females. Rihanna uses her body as a product to help sell albums and sell out tours. There's nothing wrong with having a good figure and being able to show it off, but I feel that if she toned down the outfit choices and dressed like every other artist, she would deffinitely still have as many fans because she is majorly talented and has a magnificent stage presence.

It is clear that this video is used to show off Rihanna's body, but also shows that her videos are her biggest selling point, however she is an extremely talented artist as she writes her own songs and is one of the biggest worldwide selling female artists.

My Ideas
All of the ideas above are fantastic and would make it a more enjoyable experience to watch and also very enjoyable to create and see the end result, however I know that I cant use all of the ideas at once so I will have to do some research and choose which effect I would like to use closer to the time. I could do this by creating a questionairre and asking a large amount of people which they think would be more effective.

I would like to use the idea of animation in the post production process and the use of unusual props however it would be very time consuming and wouldn't make sense with the narrative I want to put across with my music video.

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