Monday 10 October 2011

Artist/Band Research Survey

There are many artists and bands I could go into detail with in this section, however I do not have the time to write about all of them.In this section, the first thing that I have to do is to produce a survey on in which I will send out to people via email, Facebook and Twitter to find out about their interests in music.

Here is the link to the survey I sent out:

Below you can see the screenshots to prove that I have sent out the ink via my personal Facebook and Twitter accounts from my iPhone.



I have chosen to send the Survey link out via Facebook and Twitter because they are very popular social networking websites in which makes it easier to communicate with a wide range of different ages, location, interests, hobbies and ethnicities etc.

My survey has officially been sent out and so far and I have had many positive responses, however I have not yet had enough responses to be able to analyse and put in a graph to give me accurate and influential statistics.

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