Monday 31 October 2011

Star Image & Development

When creating my artist I will have to think about how I want to portray the artist I am creating, along with how I want to portray the music video.

The Star Theory by Stuart Hall makes me think carefully when I am creating a character to be my artist to be the star of my music video.

I want to create a star through the persons honest and truthful characteristics and I do not want to make up a fictional character.

Recently, I paid to have a meet & greet with Jessie J (The artist of the song I want to use for my music video) when she brought her Heartbeats Tour to Doncaster. When it was time to meet her, I got told I wasn't allowed to hug her until she approached me, not allowed to make eye contact until she looked at me first and I was only allowed 20 seconds with her. I asked her what the song was about- hoping for a quote- and she looked at me disgusted that I didn't know the answer. She simply replied with a sharp tone in her voice 'It it was I say it is about. Go read the interviews, I say it in every single one of them'. I was heartbroken.

I looked up to here as a positive role model and she went a threw it all away by saying one sentence. I walked away crying because she is just one example of an artist who fits in with criteria of Stuart Hall's Star Theory. She is moulded as a fictional character when she is on stage to make people like her as the person she is on stage, whereas when she is off stage where fame has got to her head and she is the completely opposite of when she is on stage.

I do not want my artist to be like this, because it wont be long until people see through the persona she is portraying to be on stage. I want fans to be proud that she is not something that can be sold and not just another way to sell loads of merchandise by using product placement.

Features I want to my artist to be like are as follows;
  • Innocence- I want the artist to be shown as very innocent but has a streak of dominance when the chorus comes along where she can control the audience.
  • Honesty- I want my artist to be honest when she performs, show all her insecurities and vulnerability so that fans know she is the same as them even though she is famous.
  • Fashionable- I want the artist to be fashionable by wearing clothing that everyone can afford by wearing River Island, Topshop, New Look, Quiz and many more.
  • Positive Role Model- I need to make sure that the artist will be a positive role model by making sure she doesn't have a wild social life; That she will not drink alcohol, smoke do drugs or have any extravagant tattoos/piercings. I will need to make sure that she is involved in charity work. I will also make sure that she does not have unusual hair colour.
  • Clean Cut- I will also need to make sure that she does not have a criminal record or any parts in her past that can be brought up in the papers to use against her.
The features I have noted I would like my artist, are not something you can artificially use. There are plenty of females out there that fit the specification.

The image I am trying to make the artist portray is simple, clean, positive and truthful. There are not enough artists in the industry that are truthful to the audience without using pyrotechnics, effects and professional make-up artists to change their voice, outfit and the way they look to hide the fact they cant sing.

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