Monday 28 November 2011

Website Planning

For the design and layout of the website, I will be taking photographs throughout the filming of the music video and also having a small photo-shoot using a green screen so it will be easy to edit using Photoshop CS5. I will be using the famous Myspace as the feeder page which I will also link these with the subsidiary pages including;

Below you will find the plan of my music artist website. This is only a basic plan I want to base it around but it is the main layout, features and colour scheme that I want my website to include.

Digipak Planning

For the design and layout of the digipak, I will be taking photographs throughout the filming of the music video, some of which I will use on the album digipak, but make sure that I edit them using them Photoshop CS5. I am planning on creating a six- panel digipak which will include pictures and other graphics which will stick to one colour scheme which will be used for all documents which are associated with the artist. This also means that this will be used for the website.

I will take pictures of my artist in front of a green so that I can use them on my 6-panel digipak. I will edit these in Photoshop CS5 and make them creative so that they match with the persona and characteristics of my artist.

Below is a plan of what my digipak will look like.

- The front cover of the album will include a photo of the artist, the name of the artist and the name of the album. It will be the main album artwork for the album so it will have to look professional and appealing.

- The extra panel will have a photo of the artist in black and white, but her lips will be in a pink/purple colour as it will match the whole colour scheme as it will be her signature colour.

- The inside right of the album is where the CD will go. behind the CD will be a white background and the same picture as on the front cover but without any of the text. It will be in the exact same position as on the front. The actual CD will have the same artwork as on the front but it will be considerably smaller and rounded, like the obvious shape of the CD.

- The inside left will have quotes from the artist about the album, what her inspirations were etc which will be centralised and in italics. Behind will be a watermarked picture of her in colour, but faded.

- The inside centre will include a picture that was taken on the set of the video, but one from 'behind the scenes' where she is warming up, drinking a cup of tea or something that shows she is just a normal girl. Will be taken with the other character on the second location found in the video.

- On the back cover of the album will be the album track list of what the album includes and a small photo of the artist in the bottom corner.

Understanding Editing Software

I will be using Final Cut Express for my editing, I have a enough knowledge of this editing software to get me through the editing process of my music video.
If there is something that I do not know how to do I will use forums on the internet to guide me in the right direction.

A few that will most probably be of help are listed below;

I already have existing knowledge of Photoshop CS5, which I will also be using to create a professional and conventional concept for my album digipak and website homepage which I have chosen for my ancilliary tasks.


Below is a descriptive storyboard for the song of 'Who you Are' by Jessie J. I feel that writing descriptively helps me better to understand than drawing. This is the first draft which has been changed because some of the things didn't look as good as I thought they would.
I have planned the timeline below by showing the timing start and finish for each verse and chorus. This will help me with the timing when filming which will save time when editing.

Jessie J- Who You Are

Opening instrumental:

[0:00- 0:14] 14 seconds

Slowly zooming in on the girl putting lots of tarty make up on in the mirror but looking at her reflection because she looks older but doesn’t feel any different in herself because deep down, this is not the real her.

[0:15-042] 27 seconds

I stare at my reflection in the mirror

“Why am I doing this to myself?”

Losing my mind on a tiny error,

I nearly left the real me on the shelf.

No, no, no, no, no…

Clothes: Jeans and a patterned top.

Look: Wanting to be older that she actually is because she is weighted down by always ‘being too young’ to do things that all her other friends do.

Position: Knelt on the floor and leaning forward looking into the mirror with a pack of make up wipes on the side along with all her make up. Slowly moving her hand to the make up wipes to take it all off.

Shot: Over the shoulder then from behind the mirror looking straight at her face

Angle: None

[0:43-1:11] 28 seconds

Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars

Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,

It’s okay not to be okay.

Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart.

But tears don’t mean you’re losing, everybody’s bruising,

Just be true to who you are!

Clothes: Jeans and different top with boyfriend cardigan.

Look: Studious, she is secretly a geek and is pretending to be someone she isn’t.

Position: Leant up against an inside wall pretending to read a book, one leg in front of chest. Then slowly put the book down whilst leaning head back and turning to face the camera head on. Also have a handful of make up on the floor which she throws on the floor

Shot: Medium shot

Angle: None

[1:11- 1:25] 14 seconds

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Who you are

Clothes: Both wearing boots, jeans, coats. Minimal make up.

Look: Happy to see each other and catch up with gossip.

Position: With her friend who she meets up with who are both wearing coats in the park, they wave to each other and walk up to hug. Daisy walks up to touch Rosie’s face indicating that she looks pretty being herself.

Shot: Long shot

Angle: None

[1:26-1:53] 27 seconds

Brushing my hair do I look perfect?

I forgot what to do to fit the mould, yeah!

The more I try the less its working, yeah

‘Cause everything inside me screams

No, no, no, no, no…

Clothes: Jeans and a patterned top.

Look: Being frustrated that she isn’t happy with the way she looks.

Position: Knelt on the floor and leaning forward looking into the mirror with a pack of make up wipes on the side along with all her make up. Slowly moving her hand to the make up wipes to take it all off.

Shot: Over the shoulder then from behind the mirror looking straight at her face. Maybe add a medium shot.

Angle: None

[1:54-2:21] 27 seconds

Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars!

Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing

Its okay not to be okay.

Sometimes its hard to follow your heart

But tears don’t mean your losing, everybody’s bruising

There’s nothing wrong with who you are!

Clothes: Jeans and different top with boyfriend cardigan.

Look: Studious, she is secretly a geek and is pretending to be someone she isn’t.

Position: Leant up against an inside wall pretending to read a book, one leg in front of chest. Then slowly put the book down whilst leaning head back and turning to face the camera head on. Also have a handful of make up on the floor which she throws on the floor

Shot: Medium shot

Angle: None

[2:21-2:48] 37 seconds

Yes, no’s, ego’s, fake shows like WHOA!

Just go and leave me alone!

Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight,

With a smile, that’s my home!

That’s my home, no…

No, no, no, no, no…

Clothes: Both wearing boots, jeans, coats. Minimal make up.

Look: Happy to see each other and catch up with gossip.

Position: With her friend who she meets up with who are both wearing coats in the park, they wave to each other and walk up to hug. Daisy walks up to touch Rosie’s face indicating that she looks pretty being herself.

Shot: Long shot

Angle: None

[3:06- 3:25]

Don’t lose who you are, in the blur of the stars!

Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,

It’s okay not to be okay…

Clothes: Jeans and different top with boyfriend cardigan.

Look: Studious, she is secretly a geek and is pretending to be someone she isn’t.

Position: Leant up against wall with the book beside her. Sitting up from the wall passionately using hand gestures to make the story more moving.

Shot: Medium shot

Angle: None


Sometimes its hard to follow your heart

Tears don’t mean your losing, everybody’s bruising

Clothes: Jeans and a patterned top.

Look: Giving advice to the audience not to make mistakes. Looking generally happy with self confidence.

Position: Knelt on the floor and leaning forward looking into the mirror with a pack of make up wipes on the side. Touching face and hair along with the music.

Shot: Over the shoulder shot.

Angle: None


Just be true to who you are!

Yeah yeah yeah…

Clothes: Both wearing boots, jeans, coats. Minimal make up.

Look: Happy to give advice to other people. Very happy they are still friends and nothing has changed. Laughing and having fun together.

Position: As if the two have had a right good chat about problems and they are best friends ready to have a good time. Laughing

Shot: Long shot then zoom into close up of faces as if they are posing for a picture.

Angle: None


Below is the filming & editing schedule. I have sed my Google+ account to keep track of the filming and post-production of my music video. You will also find a key below.

Copyright Issues

To be able to use the song that I wish, I need to get copyright permission from Universal Music to be able to use the song that I wish for my music video. The songs I have requested to get copyright permisson is from my three original songs that I had would have liked to use, these are; - Glad You Came- The Wanted - Domino- Jessie J - Who You Are- Jessie J Personally, I feel that I only have realistic ideas for Who You Are- Jessie J so that this is the song that I have decided to use for my music video. The screenshot below shows that I have contacted Universal Music requesting to use some of their songs. Unfortunately, I have not had yet had a reply back from them yet but when I do, I will post an update on here.

Style Construction

Location- I am going to be filming at very few locations, maybe only one depending on whether it looks good or not. The main location will be in my garage conversion at my house which I will be doing the majority of the filming here as it is the only place I have set in my mind where I feel I could make the most out of my creativity to produce and direct a good music video. Other locations may include a wood area, where I will be filming of the 'sign boards' where there will be confessions or insecurities written on them. I am going to test see where they look the best, if they do not look good being filmed in the woods, I will film them against a plain background. I will also film other insert shots on a table where 'Who You Are' will be written on lined paper. Last but not least the scrunched up piece of paper will be filmed inside the garage conversion.

My second location will be the local park which is situated near the housing estate where Iive. It will only be used in lines of the song, however in a conventional music video, there are usually 2 or more locations where the music video will be filmed.

Props List- Props will include;
  • Two Actresses (Girl 1 & 2)
  • Video camera (To film the footage)
  • Macbook (To play the song so I know what the beat sounds like compared to the shots being taken)
  • Camera (To take stills for the album cover + website)
  • Mirror (For the actress to look into whilst she is crying+ taking make up off)
  • Lined paper (To use in the insert shot to write 'Who you are')
  • Pen (To write on the lined paper)
  • Poster (Saying several insecurities on them in marker)
  • Make up wipes (For actress to remove make-up with)
  • Sofa (For the actress to lean against whilst crying)
  • Pillow (For the actress to hold and cry into)
Costume Planning-
First Location, House. Girl 1
  • Strap top
  • Jeans
  • Stud earrings
  • Silver bracelet
  • White socks

Second Location, Park. Girl 1

  • Blue dress (if warm)
  • Jeans (if cold)
  • Cropped shirt (if cold)
  • Boots
  • dangly earrings
  • Boot socks
  • Cardigan
  • Big colourful watch

Second Location, Park. Girl 2

  • Jeans
  • T shirt
  • Leather jacket
  • Boots
  • Boot socks
  • Chunky silver necklace

Initial Planning

First of all, the song I have chosen to use for my music video is ‘Who You Are’ by Jessie J. I have chosen this song because it is very well thought about, as it was written by Jessie herself when she was growing up through her teenage years trying to make it as an artist in the USA when she got signed by record labels and also dropped within weeks, where she was living in hotel room after hotel room because she did not have one place where she was based.
The basic narrative story I am trying to put across is a story of a young girl, around 13 or 14 who is trying to find her true self and stop pretending to be someone she isn’t.

Throughout the video, the camera will focus on this girl in different parts of her bedroom, such as; sitting in a corner of her room, on her laptop, looking out of her bedroom window, looking in the mirror and brushing her hair. Mainly I want to portray most of the lines but from my own point of view and what I think the song is about, using my personal experiences and creativity.

I am planning on making the whole video to be filmed in black and white to show the confusion of the girls emotions. I want to use insert shots of her holding a poster with words or phrases of her insecurities will be used when the words ‘Who You Are’ come up during the chorus. I also want insert shots of someone writing 'Who you Are' on a lined paper, and scrunching it up and throwing it on the floor, either at the start or the begining when there is only music playing.

I want to use little extravagant camera angles, I just want to make the music video look like it flows properly and makes sense at the end of the music video. Apart from a few insert shots during the chorus, I just want to use simple cuts.

The actually storyline of the song that I wish to portray is where there are two girls of whom will be best friends. Girl 1 will be the main character who has recently got into the wrong crowd of friends and is reminscing about the good times they both had together before she tried to grow up too fast.

Throughout the song, Girl 1 will be mostly in the limelight and will be acting out the lyrics such as 'I stare at my reflection in the mirror' where she will be literally staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Only in a few scenes, Girl 2 will come into it as they reminisce about all the good times they had together by looking in scrapbooks whilst on the local park. I will try to show that the park where they are sitting is where they used to sit and play when they were younger.