Monday 28 November 2011

Initial Planning

First of all, the song I have chosen to use for my music video is ‘Who You Are’ by Jessie J. I have chosen this song because it is very well thought about, as it was written by Jessie herself when she was growing up through her teenage years trying to make it as an artist in the USA when she got signed by record labels and also dropped within weeks, where she was living in hotel room after hotel room because she did not have one place where she was based.
The basic narrative story I am trying to put across is a story of a young girl, around 13 or 14 who is trying to find her true self and stop pretending to be someone she isn’t.

Throughout the video, the camera will focus on this girl in different parts of her bedroom, such as; sitting in a corner of her room, on her laptop, looking out of her bedroom window, looking in the mirror and brushing her hair. Mainly I want to portray most of the lines but from my own point of view and what I think the song is about, using my personal experiences and creativity.

I am planning on making the whole video to be filmed in black and white to show the confusion of the girls emotions. I want to use insert shots of her holding a poster with words or phrases of her insecurities will be used when the words ‘Who You Are’ come up during the chorus. I also want insert shots of someone writing 'Who you Are' on a lined paper, and scrunching it up and throwing it on the floor, either at the start or the begining when there is only music playing.

I want to use little extravagant camera angles, I just want to make the music video look like it flows properly and makes sense at the end of the music video. Apart from a few insert shots during the chorus, I just want to use simple cuts.

The actually storyline of the song that I wish to portray is where there are two girls of whom will be best friends. Girl 1 will be the main character who has recently got into the wrong crowd of friends and is reminscing about the good times they both had together before she tried to grow up too fast.

Throughout the song, Girl 1 will be mostly in the limelight and will be acting out the lyrics such as 'I stare at my reflection in the mirror' where she will be literally staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Only in a few scenes, Girl 2 will come into it as they reminisce about all the good times they had together by looking in scrapbooks whilst on the local park. I will try to show that the park where they are sitting is where they used to sit and play when they were younger.

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