Monday 28 November 2011

Digipak Planning

For the design and layout of the digipak, I will be taking photographs throughout the filming of the music video, some of which I will use on the album digipak, but make sure that I edit them using them Photoshop CS5. I am planning on creating a six- panel digipak which will include pictures and other graphics which will stick to one colour scheme which will be used for all documents which are associated with the artist. This also means that this will be used for the website.

I will take pictures of my artist in front of a green so that I can use them on my 6-panel digipak. I will edit these in Photoshop CS5 and make them creative so that they match with the persona and characteristics of my artist.

Below is a plan of what my digipak will look like.

- The front cover of the album will include a photo of the artist, the name of the artist and the name of the album. It will be the main album artwork for the album so it will have to look professional and appealing.

- The extra panel will have a photo of the artist in black and white, but her lips will be in a pink/purple colour as it will match the whole colour scheme as it will be her signature colour.

- The inside right of the album is where the CD will go. behind the CD will be a white background and the same picture as on the front cover but without any of the text. It will be in the exact same position as on the front. The actual CD will have the same artwork as on the front but it will be considerably smaller and rounded, like the obvious shape of the CD.

- The inside left will have quotes from the artist about the album, what her inspirations were etc which will be centralised and in italics. Behind will be a watermarked picture of her in colour, but faded.

- The inside centre will include a picture that was taken on the set of the video, but one from 'behind the scenes' where she is warming up, drinking a cup of tea or something that shows she is just a normal girl. Will be taken with the other character on the second location found in the video.

- On the back cover of the album will be the album track list of what the album includes and a small photo of the artist in the bottom corner.

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